15 March - Was informed that the mirror had not updated since Tuesday. Took a look at the production server and found that it appeared to have locked up. A quick reboot, and all is up and running again. Looks like a couple of Tuesday's messages may be repeated on Wednesday, which also contains most of the messages actually sent on Tuesday. Also looks like the Last Wednesday tab is actually two weeks ago. If I have time to look at it tomorrow (later today), I'll try to get everything where it should be. Sorry about the problem, but I don't check the mirror every day and have not yet tried to set up any kind of auto-magic check. Thanks to Low Beams for pointing out the problem.
16 January - This site was moved from a shared server to a new dedicated server over the New Year's weekend. In the process of moving the various accounts from the old server to the new, I decided to change the password of the account that this page is associated with. Of course I forgot to update the mirror scripts to reflect that change. The end result was that the mirror was down from about 31 December until tonight. The machine that was producing the mirror was operating as designed, but was unable to upload the pages to the webserver. I have populated the last two weeks and the scripts have been updated. The mirror should now be fully operational again. Thanks to those who alerted me to the problem. I am planning some major upgrades to the mirror and will now make sure that some error checking is included to hopefully alert me more rapidly when there is a potential problem. On-on
Read the International Hashlist Mailing List:
Mirror by Beaver Balls!
New and Improved DOG FREE mirror by Beaver Balls!
Read the Euro-Hashlist Mailing List:
Mirror by Beaver Balls!
must be a member of the list to post
EuroHashlist FAQ Sheet
And Now, Stray Dog's Hashlist Mailing List:
Mirror by Beaver Balls!
must be a member of the list to post
Post To Stray Dog's Hashlist
Index to all pages in the ring
Suggested Hash-related Netsurfing:
National and Regional HHH Pages:
Africa Links Page
- E-mail:
Australia Hash Home Page
- E-mail:
Canada H3 Page
- E-mail:
Eastern Mediterranean Hashing Page
- E-mail:
Bicester HHH Page
- E-mail:
Hong Kong Hash Page
- E-mail:
Kennels on the Subcontinent Page
- E-mail:
Gulf Hash Database
- E-mail:
New Zealand Nash Hash Page
- E-mail:
Zurich HHH Page
- E-mail:
Bicester HHH Page
- E-mail:
UK Hash Directory
- E-mail:
USA Hash Directory (via Half-Mind Catalog)
- E-mail:
, member of the
Hash House Harriers Web Ring
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Beaver Bam Bam Balls
Scott W. Kanzelmeyer / Thursday, June 26, 1997