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Harrier International Database Submition Page

This page is in the works. For now, if you would like to submit an update to Harrier International, just click on the button below. In the body of the e-mail, please include the following information:
State or Province (if applicable)
Name of the Hash
E-mail contact(s) (if applicable)
Webpage URL (if applicable)
Contact name and address (permanent or temporary)
Hashline phone number (if applicable)
Contact names and phone numbers (home, office, fax)
Hash mismanagement names and numbers
Founded - when and by whom
Total runs
Most runs and by whom (if applicable)
Number of members and average pack size
Type of pack (all male, all female, mixed, family, etc.)
Type of beer and Hash House
When do you run (day of week and time)
Special runs and upcoming events
Anything else you want me to know


Send e-mail to Scott "Beaver Bam Bam Balls" Kanzelmeyer
at bvrballs@harrier.scol.pa.us

to Harrier International Online.

Scott W. Kanzelmeyer (webmaster@harrier.org) / Wednesday, September 24, 1997